Restaurant Ditlevsdal
At restaurant Ditlevsdal you can enjoy a delicious meal made from scratch from good ingredients - of course with bison meat as the main ingredient!
The Restaurant Ditlevsdal offers great food, and delicious bison meat is the main item on the menu.
Bison meat is low fat, and the menu offers healthy and tasty dishes with a bit of an American, Native American as well as a Danish touch.
The restaurant overlooks the fields, the lake and the large bisons. There is also a roof terrace with a fantastic view.
Opening hours
All year round, the restaurant is open every Friday night.
Reservations are recommended.
The restaurant is open year round for companies and groups with advance booking. All events are welcome; birthdays, weddings, confirmations and cozy family get-togethers. We have three rooms with space for respectively 40, 70 and 100 people.